Category: Business

Internationalization Helps in Having High Turnover: EU

Though a considerable number of European SMEs are invoved in international activities, only a small percentage is in to internationalisation, reports EU. Here, internationalisation refers to all activities helpful for SMEs to get in to a meaningful business relationship with a foreign partner. These activities are exports, imports, foreign direct investment, international subcontracting and international […]

UK SMEs Opt For Teleworking

According to a survey by Behaviour and Attitudes for O2, on 300 SMEs, the number of SME directors teleworking or working from home, has doubled over the last five years. 50% (up by 25% five years ago) of SME directors in Ireland, telework at least one day a month. This has lead to the increased […]

SMEs of EU-27 are Job Creation Engines

According to the reports of European Association, the total number of SMEs present in all EU countries contribute to about two thirds of the total employment in the non financial business economy. In EU, SMEs provide employment to 90 million people, of which 40 million people are employed by 92% of micro firms, constituting about […]

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