Monitoring your business website is important because, even if it is down for a few moments, you business will incur losses. Therefore, it is important to monitor your website by hiring a monitor. In this article we will discuss about the five monitoring checks that are needed for your business website. The best part is […]
Category: Business
Get to Know What Cleaners’ Business Insurance Cover
Cleaners constitute an important set of working personnel. They are engaged in sanitizing business premises, residential apartments, offices and so on. As in any other businesses, cleaners’ business encounters risks of different kinds. Purchasing cleaners’ business insurance is likely to reduce these risks. This article explains cleaners’ business insurance and its coverages: workers compensation insurance, […]
Employment Laws for Employees of California
Employment laws protect workers in various ways, from different eventualities pertaining to workplace accidents, issues, lay off and job loss, etc. Therefore, it’s sensible for an employee of California to know the laws that safeguard them. This article discusses a few useful laws for the benefit of the employees of California. Minimum wage The current […]
Ways to Promote Your Company Offline
Promoting your business is important for its survival. This involves trying to retain the existing customers, acquire new customers and expand business geographically. For this you need to use offline and/or online methods. We will discuss in this article the offline way. Promoting your company offline Promoting a company offline involves promoting it through traditional […]
Digital Printing – A Great Way to Promote Your Company
Digital printing Digital printing is a method of printing or images for flayers, posters etc. using digital based methods for businesses, companies, media, etc. This type of printing is popular today, and most companies use this digital printing technology in promoting their business brand. Digital printing can also be used to design calendars, business cards, […]
Why Internet Marketing is Beneficial Over Traditional Marketing for Small Businesses?
Internet marketing has given a wide scope for small businesses to explore and develop. With the help of Internet marketing small businesses have the ability to increase their online visibility by applying strategies like SEO, PPC, social media, e-mail marketing, banner ads, etc. Internet marketing has many advantages such as, it is cost-effective, message reaches […]
Advantages and Disadvantages of e-Commerce
e-commerce (also called as electronic commerce) is the selling and buying of goods or services over the Internet. Online purchasing is one of the most popular activities in the Internet people which do. There are many advantages and disadvantages with the e-commerce. Now we will see some of them. Advantages: With a website, the local […]
The Four Stages of ‘Change Curve’ Small Business Owners ought to know
The ‘Change Curve’ is a very helpful tool for small businesses to understand the stages of personal transition each employee goes through. It was a model developed by Kubler Ross to explain the grieving process (Shock and Denial, Anger and Fear, Acceptance, Commitment). This model helps small business owners predict how employees will react to […]
Whistleblower Protection Extended to Cover More Businesses
According to the United States Supreme Court, the whistleblower protection also applies to the subcontractors of publicly traded companies. These accounting firms, law firms, investment advisers and other similar businesses that are working for the public companies. The three dissenting justices say that the rule could give protection even to household employees like babysitters. The […]
United States Small Businesses Borrow More
In January 2014, small businesses in the United States took more loans than a year before. The amount of financing to the small companies is measured by the Thomson Returns/PayNet Small Business Lending Index. In January 2014, it rose to 117.2, which is four percent up than a year earlier. Small businesses take loans to […]