Pricing Engine, a marketing platform for small businesses finds that Bing ads are more efficient to buy than Google Adwords. Google has higher CTRs and more search value, and Bing has a lower cost source of leads, and is therefore more suitable for small and medium businesses. The data collected by Pricing Engine from hundreds […]
Tag: Small Businesses
How was Shopping Season in 2012 for SMBs
It is difficult to trace small and medium businesses direct sales. In case of online sales, there is some data available from different sources. Now we will look into how the SMBs are performed in the year 2012 holiday shopping season. Small online merchant holiday sales of 2012 According to a case study, the holiday […]
Small Business Saturday is Big Business for Small Businesses
According to American Express Small Business Saturday campaign has become something of an institution. A survey sponsored by the American Express shows that 44% of consumers are aware of the Small Business Saturday which is held on the Saturday after Thanksgiving day. Another survey by the National Federation of Independent Business reveals that 77% of […]
The Federation of Small Businesses Vowed to Help Small Businesses Exports
Good news for the UK small business owners who are planning to see their products or services abroad. Federation for Small Businesses (FSB) has vowed to help small businesses in their effort to get global opportunities through exports. Recently, FSB has launched a fact-sheet to help small businesses who are planning to export their products. […]
Small Businesses Support Hike of Minimum Wage
A new survey conducted by Wells Fargo (WFC) and Gallup on about 600 business owners has published its findings on November 21, 2013. According to the survey, increase of federal minimal wages to $9.50 would hurt business, yet about 50% of respondents are supporting the hike. Survey Findings: 47% of small buisness owners whose annual […]
Small Businesses Play an Important Role in the US Economy
The title says it all and it’s true… For many, small businesses are just local businesses and it is the big industrial giants that are contributing to the economy of the US. We need to correct them and change their wrong perception. Studies show that small businesses employ over half of US workforce. According to […]
Impact of Small and Medium Businesses on US Economy
The number of small businesses in the United States has increased by 49% since 1982. Today, small and medium businesses are the backbone of the country. SMBs contribute a major part in country’s economy and job creation. Following are some facts that will ‘change your mindset’ towards small businesses.
Definitions of Micro, Small and Medium Businesses in the UK Economy
SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) are the lifeblood of the UK economy, they account for 4.8 million (99%) of all private sector businesses in the UK. SMEs significantly impact the promotion of economic and social development such as employment generation, poverty reduction, wealth, innovation and social integration.
How Enterprise Computing Helps Small Businesses?
Small businesses can benefit from enterprise computing. Enterprise computing is the technology that can make them operate in more efficiently. We will discuss in this article how enterprise computing helps small businesses.
Advantages of Using Application Server in Small Businesses
An application server is the centralized system, which can store a huge amount of data and can receive request from the users and processes it by accessing the business related data and sends back the response to the user. The application server acts like a mediator between the front end (user) and the back end (database, business logic, etc.). Unlike web servers, application servers support all types of protocols including HTTP.