A Web server might be a hardware device or a software application. Either of them is mainly used for hosting the websites. Web server will have a domain name and IP address as people have name and address for identification. Any computer device can be converted to web server by installing a web server software […]
Tag: Small Businesses
SEO Basics for Small Business Owners – Off-Page Optimization
Off-page optimization is an important technique which is applied after the on-page optimization. It has nothing to do with the content on your site unlike on-page optimization. And it is a very difficult task to execute, where you need to build relationship with other sites to publish your content or give a link to your site. This process is called link building. These are very important to improve your site’s ranking, to drive traffic to your website and also to improve indexing of your site.
SEO Basics for Small Business owners – PPC, PPM and PPA
Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the important digital marketing strategy. It has taken a unique place in the digital world where small businesses can get huge benefits. Below you will see some of the SEO basics like pay per click (PPC), pay per impression (PPM) and pay per action (PPA) and its advantages.
SWOT Analysis of Having a Website for a Small businesses
To do business online and stay connected to their audiences, having websites is essential for small businesses. A website is a good platform to generate leads, sales and good rate of returns. There are also certain areas of concern for having a website for small business. In this context, it is worthwhile to make a SWOT analysis of having a website for these businesses.
Social Media Marketing Tips for Your Small Business
Social media marketing as a means of promoting business online is gaining importance. Put simply, social media marketing is marketing via social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. Social media marketing is different from other forms of Internet marketing. Social media marketing involves interaction with potential customers rather than just promoting the brand or […]
Benefits of Application Monitoring for Small Businesses
Application monitoring is a vital tool for all the businesses to ensure that all the business processes are performing well. It makes sure that certain business techniques are executed at ideal ranges. Many small businesses often ignore these important tools due to financial burdens and other constraints. However, once the benefits of employing these tools […]